[EDIT]Summer Event Begins! Limited-Edition Recipes & Items Available!!

[EDIT:8/8 16:00 PM(JST/ GMT+9)]
A new boss monster has been added to the Summer Event exclusive map "Underwater Canyon"!
Make sure to defeat the boss monster to get new equipment!

After the maintenance, "Saltau's Beach" which is a private beach has been opened for this scorching summer.
This map will let you feel the heat of summer excitement with the special monsters inhabiting the white sand beach facing the blue sea!
And what's more, you can play a "Diving" mini-game in the sea!

Event Period

From: 7/25/2024 after the maintenance
Until: 9/12/2024 before the maintenance

*Some events and promotions end on different dates.
Please check each official announcement for the details.

For details about the "Diving" mini game, please check "this news".

★:Event Details

★:Gigantic Octopus Invasion! Let's Challenge the RAID Battle!

★:Limited Recipes! Get Your Event-Limited Items!!

★:Let's Make the Event-Limited Monster Your Pet!

Event Details

You can go to Saltau's Beach from the wormhole in "Sofya City", "El Scaro", "Hora Diomedea", and "Draco Town".

Furthermore, Summer Event-limited quest is also being reinstated.

You can accept the Summer Event-limited quest from the NPC "Pelulu" in Saltau's Beach.

Let's Get "Summer Shell" from water element monsters!

"Summer Shell" according to the level of the water element monster can be obtained during the event.

Summer ShellRequired to create summer-limited equipment at blacksmiths'.
Summer Shell IIRequired to create summer-limited equipment at blacksmiths'.
Summer Shell IIIRequired to create summer-limited equipment at blacksmiths'.

Take note of the monster's element and hunt them during the event period!

*Summer Shell cannot be obtained from certain boss monsters.
*Summer Shell III can only be obtained through Challenge Dungeon (Lv300 or more).

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Gigantic Octopus Invasion!
Let's Challenge the RAID Battle!

"Gigantic Octopus Invasion", the RAID battle that can be challenged by up to 8 players at the same time is currently available!

You can challenge it from the wormhole in "Saltau's Beach"!

A second party can enter the battle after the first party enters the battle field.
The second and subsequent parties can only join within a certain period of time after the battle begins and the boss monster must have a certain amount of HP left.

Defeat the "Gigantic Octopus" to get new equipment that is perfect for this hot summer and "Big Takoyaki" which is a buff item to enhance your stats!

Enjoy the hot RAID battle with your friends and guild mates!


*The matching for RAID Battle can be enabled/disabled.
*When another party is joining the battle, the party members' HP will show up as a whole on the left side of the screen as "Secondary Party".
*The result rewards such as Attacker and Breaker will be defined in each party.
*Skills that affect party members such as the Support Skill "High Cycle" and Shield Skill "Guardian" will only affect the members in your party during the RAID Battle.
However, skills that can be used on a selected player such as the Support Skill "Heal" and "Recovery" can also be used on the player that is in another party.

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Limited Recipes! Get Your Event-Limited Items!!

Examples of Equipment Craftable at the Blacksmith

Limited-edition recipes for creating items at the blacksmiths have been added.
All the items are perfect for summer!
Equip the items smartly and let's survive the summer heat!

Example of Item Craftable at the Synthesist

Midsummer PassionAttach it on slotted equipment.
Big Takoyaki (Pack)Use it to get "Big Takoyaki".

How to Create Items with Limited-Edition Recipes?


Talk to the Blacksmith or Synthesist in "Sofya City", "El Scaro" or "Hora Diomedea", tap "Create Equipment" (for Blacksmith) and "Item Synthesis" (for Synthesist) and select "Limited-Time".

Let's Make Use of the "Mats Search" Feature!(Tap for details)

Use "Mats Search" to check the materials required in a crafting recipe.

Besides, you can also tap the monster shown on the top of the mini map to see the list of items the monster drops.

It's a useful feature that will definitely make crafting items more convenient than ever, so please make use of it!

Limited-Edition Recipes Available Period

From: 7/25/2024 after the maintenance
Until: 9/19/2024 before the maintenance

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Let's Make the Event-Limited Monster Your Pet!

Example of Monster That Can Be Captured

Furthermore, you can tame the special monsters inhabiting the beach as pets and go on adventures with them!

They are valuable monsters that you can only find here, so make sure you take the challenge!

How to Capture a Pet

To capture monsters, you need to have empty Consumable Item: "Pet Cage"(*1), and learn Tamer Skill: "Taming"(*2).
By using "Taming" on the monsters that can be captured while meeting the conditions above, the time limit will be displayed.
Capture will be completed when the green bar reaches to max within the time limit.
If the green bar didn't reach to max within the time limit, the capture fails and you may lose a Pet Cage.

*1 You can buy "Pet Cage" at general stores in cities.
*2 You can learn Tamer Skills at the library in Sofya City by paying Spina.
Lv1 Tamer Skills are available from Lv30, Lv2 Tamer Skills from Lv90.

Please refer to "this news" for the details about "Pet System".

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*The event period and rewards are subject to change.
*Limited-time events or promotions may be held again in the future on different conditions after they have ended.

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